Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

Home mortgage loans,Home Mortgage Refinance Loan []

Home mortgage loans,Home Mortgage Refinance Loan []

Mortgage rates are a full percentage point below where they were one year ago, and that recently sparked yet another spike in mortgage refinance applications, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. It did not, however, do the same for ... Is the 30 Year Fixed Headed to 3 Percent?

Have you decided to buy a new home but don't know which home loan to apply for? Help is right here. A home mortgage loan could be what you are looking for. There are different types of home mortgage loans you can choose from and find the one that would best suit your needs. It is essential to first know what a mortgage loan is. It is a type of loan that is secured against a property for the repayment of the loan. A home mortgage loan is offered when buying a home. Mainly, they are of two types - conventional and government home mortgage loans.As the name suggests, in this type of a loan the rate of interest does not change. The mortgage payment to be made on a monthly basis remains fixed for the period of the loan and does not vary with the market rate. Hence if you signed up for the loan at a low rate of interest, it remains so even if the market interest rates increase during the period of the loan.

A fixed-rate mortgage loan can last anywhere between 10 - 40 years. If you are a first time home buyer, then this could be an ideal loan for you. However, if you sign up for the loan at a time when the interest rates in the market are high, this could be a disadvantage. This loan offers less risk and more stability.Adjustable-rate mortgage loan: This type of mortgage loan offers a fixed rate of interest initially and later moves on to adjustable rates depending upon the interest rates that the markets experience. It usually starts off with a low rate of interest compared to that on a fixed-rate loan in the introduction period. However the rate of interest during the adjustable period is uncertain, which is a disadvantage. This, being an unstable type of loan, can involve lot of risks. Those looking for short-term deals can benefit from this loan.Balloon loans: This loan is offered on a fixed-rate basis for a short term, usually around 7 - 10 years at the end of which the amount has to be paid in a lump sum. They are based on an amortization schedule of 30 years. The rate of interest for the term is as low as that of the adjustable-rate mortgage loan. It is easy to qualify for this loan, so people with low or poor credits find it very appealing as it gives them time to reorder their credits. Payment of the lump sum amount is a downside to this loan. At the end of the term you are left with two options - you either pay off the amount or try qualifying for another home mortgage loan.This is a type of home mortgage loan program initiated by the government-run Federal Housing Authority (FHA). The purpose of this program was to help more people qualify for housing mortgage loans after the Great Depression. Their interest rates are lower than any of the conventional home mortgage loans and the down payments are lower too. They are easy to qualify for. In case you intend to sell your home before the term of the loan ends, the person buying your home can take over the FHA home mortgage loan.VA home mortgage loans: This type of loan is offered specifically to government employees, service men and service women by the US department of Veteran Affairs. They are offered smaller down payments and better terms on fixed-rate and adjustable home mortgage loans. They are also guaranteed, which means that in case of default on payments by the borrower, the private lender shall be repaid. Rent cost is money you spent which you will never get back. Buying a home is, in contrast, an investment. However, it is an important decision you take that can affect you for life positively or negatively. To buy a home (at least if you are not one of the supper rich Americans) you need a mortgage loan. The mortgage allows you to find the money needed from a financial institution to purchase, construct, or renovate your home. Whatever the reason for your loan, you will have to repay the amount borrowed plus interest during the period established in the contract. It is important to choose a mortgage that suits your needs and financial possibility. Choosing a mortgage lender is not something you can choose today and change it tomorrow; this is a step you take for years, which can affect your life either negatively or positively. You should not decide in haste without having compared the different mortgage lenders on the market. By choosing the right lender, you can save tens of thousands of dollars on your mortgage. Once you find the right lender, you will have to choose mostly between a fixed rate mortgage (FRM) or variable rate mortgage (floating rate mortgage). Commercial mortgage loans are executed using real estate to collateralize the loan. Commercial mortgages are similar to residential mortgages, except that the collateral used to secure the loan is a commercial (business) building rather than a personal residential home. If the borrower defaults on the loan, the lender can seize the collateral (building) to recover the loan proceeds.Commercial mortgage loans are not available t o persons, but rather to businesses, which include partnerships, incorporated businesses, limited companies, etc. The business must be sound financially and the process to verify the business income can be more complicated than verifying the credit worthiness of a specific individual. That is why traditional commercial mortgages can take six to nine months to underwrite.Commercial loans are procured for a variety of reasons: to buy the premises of an existing business, to make improvements or enlarge existing premises, to make commercial and residential investments or to develop the existing property in other ways. An example would be to buy already constructed business premises, like offices, shops, restaurants, or pubs. Additionally, they can also be used to buy business assets such as plant equipment and specialized machinery.The Interest rates for commercial mortgages are generally higher than those for residential mortgages but lower than interest rates on unsecured bus iness loans. A fixed-rate loan is the most common commercial mortgage. It is similar to the fixed rate home mortgage loan in that the interest rate remains constant throughout the term. However, the term for most commercial mortgage loans is between 3 and 10 years but they can be extended for as long as 25 years.The commercial mortgage loan amount and interest rate that you can receive is a direct correlation of the credit worthiness assessed by the lender with respect to your ability to repay the loan. If you have an excellent business record with a verifiable profit and loss business statement then you will have little trouble getting a commercial mortgage at an attractive interest rate.Commercial loans are not provided without extensive scrutiny regarding your business stability and profitability. The Lender usually wants to see your last three years of audited financial statements including a Profit and Loss statement, balance sheet and a cash flow forecast. Favorable bu siness information is critical to the lender and to you because, as stated earlier, if you default on the loan the lender can repossess your property and sell it to repay the outstanding mortgage balance.The best place to find commercial mortgage loans is on the Internet. There are enormous numbers of commercial lenders vying for your business and they all advertise on the Internet. It is possible to compare many loan quotes side by side and determine which is best for your financial situation.Till I started my full fledged finance studies, I always thought that Annual Percentage Rates (APR) and interest rates were one and the same thing, just results of different calculation methods. Now I know that such is not the case. So here I am, trying to relieve you of all your similar doubts about APR and interest rates, through this 'APR vs interest rate' article. This APR vs mortgage interest rate article should help you in understanding the APR and interest rate difference as wel l as the annual percentage rate formula. Read more on loan calculators.
Simple Mortgage Interest Rates Interest rate is a simple percentage figure that stands as the basic borrowing cost on the principal borrowed. The interest amount is a direct percentage of the actual amount of borrowed funds. In other words, interest rate is the rent compensation paid by the borrower to the lender to compensate for his opportunity cost of lending you that money, as opposed to investing it elsewhere. Interest rates are usually the ones taken into account when making initial comparisons between various loans, as they directly affect the monthly payments of the borrower, something that most debtors are most concerned with.Though low interest rates are the first thing that people look for when hunting for good deals on loans, interest rates are usually not the only monthly expense that goes towards the loans. As there is usually a trade-off between interest rates and other upfront costs of acquiring the loan, i.e. lower the interest rates, higher the associated co sts and vice versa, just hunting for a low interest rate deal is not always the most beneficial option. This is where the APR comes into the picture.Annual Percentage Rate (APR)The best way to explain an APR to a layman, is to say that it represents the 'true cost of his loan'. The basic difference between APR and interest rate happens to be just this - while the interest rate is just the intrinsic borrowing cost, calculated as a percentage of the loan amount, the APR includes the other associated loan expenses that usually cannot be seen from the actual interest rate figures. In simple terms, APR is nothing but another representation of the effective rate of interest that the borrower will be burdened with, and so, the APR is always higher than the normal interest rate.Theoretically, all fees required to finance the loan are incorporated into the calculation of APR, but as different lenders incorporate different fees and leave out different ones, not all lenders with simila r loan terms and conditions reach to the same APR. Either way, whatever the expenses to be taken into account, the APR calculation requires that all such amounts be totaled and amortized over the entire loan period. The new rate calculated after included all such additional payments into the interest rate calculation is what is known as an APR. Know more on amortization.While the APR covers all the drawbacks of the normal mortgage interest rates, APR in itself also has a few limitations of its own. For one thing, as already mentioned earlier, as there are now clearly cut out rules as to which expenses to include and which to leave out in the APR calculation, most lenders choose the expenses to suit their ends. Expenses usually not considered in the APR formula are home appraisal expenses (home loans), title fees, and credit reporting fees. It is always better to ask your lender for a disclosure of expenses included and excluded in the calculation. Secondly, APR does not work well for adjustable rate loans as all calculations are usually based on future interest rate forecasts which may not be so accurate.Last but not the least, before you go out and grab a loan at a lower APR, consider this. Since APR amortizes all associated expenses as well as the original interest payments over the entire life of the loan, the only way such a deal is profitable is when the loan is actually held all the way to maturity. For example, if you have a plan in mind to settle a loan of 10 years in 5 years itself, looking for a low interest rate (despite a little higher APR) may be viable in your case. If you plan to refinance or retire your loan early, higher up front cost may actually turn out to be a bad deal for you, as these will unnecessarily be amortized over the entire loan period. Know more on mortgage refinance. Suggest Home mortgage loans,Home Mortgage Refinance Loan Articles

