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Jumat, 09 Mei 2014


Penyakit Paru-Paru
Pengertian Penyakit Paru-Paru Definisi dari Penyakit Paru-Paru adalah penyakit menular yang bisa disembuhkan paru-paru merupalan organ penting bagi kehidupan manusia khususnya berfungsi pada sistem pernapasan manusia bertugas sebagai tempat pertukaran oksigen yang dibutuhkan manusia dan mengeluarkan karbondioksida yang merupakan hasil sisa proses pernapasan yang harus di keluarkan oleh tubuh sehingga kebutuhan tubuh akan oksigen akan tetap terpenuhi udara sangat penting bagi manusia tidak menghirup oksigen selama beberapa menit dapat menyembabkan kematian itulah peranan penting paru- paru. Gejala seperti batuk batuk sesak napas atau sakit di daerah dada mungkin saja menunjukan bahwa ada yang tidak beres dengan paru-paru anda dengan mendeteksinya lebih cepat ini akan membantu agar penyakit ini tidak semakin lama dan bertambah parah.

Gangguan di paru-paru dapat berasal dari penyakit di organ paru itu sendiri atau berasal dari organ lain misalnya:
-Kelainan di ginjal. 
-Penyebaran kanker. 
-Kelainan gagal jantung yang berat. 
-Kelainan di hati.

Berikut ini ciri ciri orang terkena penyakit paru-paru yang biasa terdapat pada penderitanya: 
-Bentuk punggung membungkuk. 
-Badan mengurus. 
-Mudah lelah. 
-Nyeri dada. 
-Sesak napas. 
-Badan panas. 
-Nafsu makan menurun. 
-Keringat pada malam hari. 
-Batuk terus menerus selama lebih dari 2 minggu bisanya disertai dahak. 
-Kadang kadang batuk mengeluarkan darah. 

Radang paru-paru merupakan sebuah penyakit pada paru-paru dimana pulmonary aveolus yang bertangggung jawab menyerap oksigen dari atmosfer meradang dan terisi oleh cairan.Radang paru-paru dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa penyebab termasuk oleh infeksi bakteria virus jamur atau pasilan (parasit).Radang paru-paru dapat disebabkan oleh bakteri streptococcus dan mycopalsma pneumoniae Radang paru-paru juga dapat disebabkan oleh kepedihan zat zat kimia atau cedera jasmani pada paru paru atau sebagai akibat dari penyakit lainnya seperti kanker paru- paru atau berlebihan minum alkohol. Gejala yang berhubungan dengan radang paru-paru termasuk batuk sakit dada demam dan kesulitan bernafas alat diagnosa termasuk sinar X dan pemeriksaan dahak.Perawatan tergantung dari penyebab radang paru par disebabkan bakteri dirawat dengan antibiotika. Radang paru paru adalah penyakit umum yang terjadi diseluruh kelompok umur dan merupakan penyebab kematian peringkat atas diantara orang tua dan orang yang sakit menahun.Salah satu kasus radang paru-paru yang mempunyai tingkat kematian tinggi pada saat ini adalah kasus radang paru-paru yang disebabkan oleh Flu Burung nah itulah dimaksud dengan Pengertian Penyakit Paru-Paru.

Sabtu, 03 Mei 2014


Vitamin D For Your Body - A connection between vitamin D level and the risk of developing cancerous breasts has been implicated for a long time but its clinical relevance had not yet been proven.Sascha Abbas and colleagues from the working group headed by Dr.Jenny Chang Claude at the German Cancer Research Center(Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum DKFZ) collaborating with researchers of the University Hospitals in Hamburg Eppendorf have now obtained clear results:While previous studies had concentrated chiefly on nutritional vitamin D the researchers have now investigated the complete Vitamin D status.To this end they studied 25-hydroxyvitamin D(25(OH)D) as a marker for both endogenous vitamin D and Vitamin D from food intake.The result of the study involving 1.394 cancerous breast patients and an equal number of healthy women after menopause was surprisingly clear:Women with a very low blood level of 25(OH)D have a considerably increased risk for cancerous breasts.The effect was found to be strongest in women who were not taking acidic cancerous causing hormones for relief of menopausal symptoms.However the authors note that in this retrospective study diagnosis related factors such as chemotherapy or lack of sunlight after prolonged hospital stays might have contributed to low vitamin levels of breast cancer patients Visit: Health For Body. In addition the investigators focused on the Vitamin D receptor.The gene of this receptor is found in several variants known as polymorphisms.The research team of the DKFZ and Eppendorf Hospitals investigated the effect of four of these polymorphisms on the risk of developing cancerous breasts.They found out that carriers of the Taql polymorphism have a slightly increased risk of cancerous acidic tumors that carry receptors for the female acidic sex hormone estrogen on their surface.No effects on the overall breast cancer risk were found.A possible explanation offered by the authors is that Vitamin D can exert its cancerous preventing effect by counteracting the growth promoting effect of the acidic estrogens Visit Health For Skin.Besides its cancerous preventing influence with effects on cell growth cell differentiation and programmed cell death (apoptosis) vitamin D regulates above all the calcium metabolism in our body.Foods that are particularly rich in vitamin D include cod liver oil green fruits and veggies.However the largest portion of vitamin D is produced by our own body with the aid of sunlight.To learn more about the cause and prevention of cancer listen to "The pH Miracle for Cancer".Watch for our Young pHorever Vitamin D Complex being released this summer Vitamin D For Your Body.

Sabtu, 26 April 2014


Hot Rocks Lymphatic Massage
Hot Rocks Lymphatic Massage For Health - As the perfect compliment to an Alkavorian(TM)Lifestyle Hot Rocks Lymphatic Massage(TM) accelerates the elimination of acidic wastes and residues from the blood and tissues. One hour of effective Hot Rocks Lymphatic massage through proper strokes(going toward the heart) and short pressured lymphatic pumps can move as much lymph fluid through the body as a sedentary person can move on their own in 24 hours. Using the hot stones along with the lymphatic strokes sends penetrating heat into the muscles increasing circulation and fresh oxygen. Therapeutic Hot Rocks Lymphatic Massage is extremely soothing and takes the body to a deeply relaxed state.Long flowing strokes going in the same direction as the one way lymph valves assures new lymph plasma replacing old lymph plasma creating a cleansing effect and a refreshment to the body.Acidic fluids are then not allowed to linger in joints and connective tissues causing inflammation. This type of massage can leave a person feeling more rested revived more limber and more energetic.Also noted are greater sense of well being heightened emotional balance less depression and mood swings hormonal balancing and natural appetite control. The massage can enhance any weight loss or fitness program and is ideally used for cellulite reduction.The massage should be experienced at least once a week and even better twice or three times a week depending on each individuals condition. The Hot Rocks Lymphatic Massage(TM) is ideal for aiding in eliminating symptoms of conditions such as arthritis carpel tunnel syndrome lupus chronic fatigue headaches and fibromyalgia just to name a few. The pH Miracle Center announces the release of their new Hot Rocks Lymphatic Massage DVD with Shelley Redford Young LMT performing a complete Hot Rocks Lymphatic Massage(TM) on the beautiful island of Kauai Hawaii.Also included on the DVD is a complete overview Power Point presentation on the Lymphatic System of the body.Currently the DVD is being offered with an accompanying bottle of pH Miracle Young pHorever Lymphatic Massage Oil(TM) including cinnamon to help increase circulation and make this unique massage even more pleasurable.The Hot Rocks Lymphatic Massage(TM) is the same massage offered at all pH Miracle Retreats held in Valley Center Ca. http://www.phmiracleliving.com/3dayretreat.html This DVD is designed to train licensed massage therapists on the proper procedure of the Hot Rocks Lymphatic Massage(TM) while also offering educational material on the Lymphatic System.This is a tool that anyone can give to their existing licensed massage therapist when requesting this type of massage to be done.Call the pH Miracle Center at 760-751-8321 to order your Hot Rocks Lymphatic Massage(TM) DVD with your free bottle of pH Miracle Young pHorever Massage Oil(TM)today Hot Rocks Lymphatic Massage For Health.

Rabu, 16 April 2014


Miracle Message of HealthMy guess is that many of you feel some sort of concern about financial issues whether it is the daily budget, dwindling savings, credit card bills, money for college bills, mileage and gas prices for the aging family automobiles, and so on. Its the same at the Young homestead here at Rancho Del Sol. Every year I pray for more rain and try to figure out how to save money on the expensive California water we need for thousands of avocado and grapefruit trees. I am always trying to figure out where to save money so I can use that money to reach more people around the world with a pH Miracle message of health and well-being. If you read my email letters on a regular basis, you will know that I am quite positive that following a healthy, organic, alkaline diet with many raw, green vegetables will save you money over time. Whether you have 50 more years to live or 25, most medical expenses have traditionally occurred in the later years of life. And those expenses can be a thing of the past. Once your body is alkaline, and once you have rebuilt your blood with my C.O.W.S. program, and once the pH of your urine is around 7.4 on a consistent basis, you are well on your way to permanently increased health and vigor as well as great financial savings. Remember, the #1 reason for bankruptcy in America for many years has been medical bills. That will not happen to you. I hear from people all the time that pretty much the only reason they visit the doctor anymore is to gloat a bit, to follow-up on some old ailment now in the rear-view mirror, to lecture the poor old besieged doc on the importance of nutrition in health, or to give him a copy of The pH Miracle book. By the way, if you write to me and tell me that you really did get your doctor to read The pH Miracle book that Shelley and I wrote, I'll send you a free copy to replace the one you gave to your physician. I will also be fascinated to hear your story. In fact, I may share it with everybody in one of these emails. Many people who have been following a balanced pH 80/20 alkaline/acid diet for many years tell us about all the different ways they save money. Some people have replaced their health insurance with a combination of self-insurance, accident insurance, a hospital indemnity policy, and disability programs. Some people on Medicare have not purchased the supplemental insurance because they have not visited the former family physician for several years and are hoping not to for the rest of their lives. Besides, they tell me, they aren't likely to go the drug route anyway now that they know the cucumber and avocado route. Many have told us that they have saved money because they no longer have doctor visits, co-pays, pharmaceutical drugs, deductibles, tests, clinic and lab fees, medical gadgets, lost time and sick days, and so on. Not to mention the increased energy, creativity, and productivity How To Sport For Health. Now lets talk about stress. About two years ago, I emailed you an article about Mother Theresa whose level of consciousness allowed her to function in love, joy, peace and enlightenment. Many of you said that you enjoyed that article. Such states of mind--whether they are linked to experiences that are primarily sensory, emotional, psychological, intellectual or spiritual--can only be accompanied by an absence of stress at the physiological or body level. If you read my emails with any consistency, then you know that there is a solid scientific link between the mind and the body, the psychosomatic or the "somatopsychic." It goes both ways. We started hearing the world psychosomatic at least 40 or 50 years ago. The mind can cause the body to suffer and the body can cause the mind to suffer. Therefore, it makes good sense to take care of both. I have discussed from time to time the importance of minimizing stress in our lives. When our minds are filled with thoughts and feelings that include the negative perceptions and experiences of fear, anger and sadness, we are vulnerable to the creation of excessive bodily acid. Toxic acids are actually secreted from various parts of the body directly into the bloodstream when we are in a negative emotional state. On the other hand, leading a life that includes more experiences in what we might call the love zone can be a challenge. I forget who coined the word love zone, but this state of being includes feelings of affection, joy, compassion, empathy, kindness, happiness and bliss. But living in this zone you may have noticed is easier said than done. The world seems so often to pull mightily at the most vulnerable areas of our lives. Our preoccupation with the outer world and things over which we have no control can keep us from entering into those precious moments or hours in the stress-free love zone. There is one thing in particular that we can do to help us frequent this zone as much as possible. And I will back into this concept with a little story which I enjoy. I call this the 1,000 avocados for God story. It goes like this: A plantation owner, somewhat foolishly accustomed to bartering with God, prayed for a good harvest. He pleaded thusly: "Dear God, if You would please bring me a great avocado harvest, as a service I will give You 1,000 avocados from the harvest."God granted him a great harvest. Thus, the plantation owner loaded up a thousand avocados in his wagon and had his foreman deliver them to the temple. Along the way, the foreman was pestered by two little beggar boys who pleaded for an avocado to ward off their hunger. "Shoo, shoo, go away," said the foreman, knowing that the plantation owner had loaded exactly 1,000 avocados. The hungry little boys ran alongside the wagon and continued to beg. Finally, the hired hand relented and gave each of them an avocado. He thought to himself, who would count all these avocados and know that two are missing from a thousand? But the plantation owner had warned the chief overseer of the temple to count the avocados to make sure that the foreman had not sold some along the way. He found out that two were missing and had been given to beggars and the plantation owner fired the foreman. That night the plantation owner had a dream. In his dream, God came to him and said, I have granted your prayer for a great harvest, but you have not kept your agreement. The plantation owner pleaded his case, But God, I took the avocados to you just as I said. God replied, Well, I am sorry that you are in error my friend, because so far, I have received only two. I think you can see why I enjoy this story. And it has many implications far beyond the simple notion that Divine Providence and charity are related. In fact, we might say that Divine Providence resonates to charity. There is a great deal of emerging evidence and a wonderful new area of study which says that there is a human field of energy which is very subtle, yet powerful, pervasive and immortal. There is a field of energy which connects every one of us to every one of us. Some refer to this energy as levels of consciousness and the study of this energy focuses especially on various states of higher consciousness.Regardless of our personal level of consciousness, we are not only connected to this field of energy, but we are influencing it just as it influences us in return. There is emerging evidence, both experiential and research, that says that as our level of consciousness rises, our body has an increasing ability or tendency to heal itself. There are increasing numbers of prayer studies that show that healing is affected by prayer. In Dr. David Hawkins book, Power Vs. Force, he designates and describes our levels of consciousness from low to high levels. In the pathological area, he lists (low to high) shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, and false pride. The ascending corresponding emotions at those lower levels are humiliation, blame, despair, regret, anxiety, craving, hate, and scorn. As we pass from pathological states into higher states of health and well-being, Hawkins designates and defines (low to high) courage, neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace, and enlightenment. The ascending corresponding emotions at these higher levels are affirmation, trust, optimism, forgiveness, understanding, reverence, serenity, bliss and ineffable. By contemplating upon these two hierarchies of human levels of consciousness and corresponding emotions, you can easily see the beauty that unfolds as we achieve higher and higher levels of consciousness. Higher levels mean less stress, or course, which means less acid in your body. The simple question then becomes, what is it that I can do to help myself achieve an increasing degree of health, happiness and serenity in my own life? As I have written before, a healthy and peaceful lifestyle includes choosing an alkaline and nutritional diet, exercise, rest and relaxation, good company, doing work which we enjoy, body massage, meditation, sincere gratitude, a reverence for all life, and so on Health For Life. Some will argue that these conditions are difficult to achieve in a world of economic disarray. Just viewing the problems of hunger and homelessness in the world is frightening. In America, we are told that more than a million people are now losing or have lost their homes due to mortgage default. And so, how can we ascend to levels of peace in such a world with so much apparent negativity? What else is it that we can do to ascend our own levels of consciousness and somehow feel a greater sense of love, the absence of fear, and more acceptance of so many people with whom we seem to have nothing in common, little understanding, a different set of values, and with whom we perceive ourselves to operate from a completely different belief system about the world? How do we come to a sense of peace and diminish our reflexive stress--the same stress that causes acidic reactions in our body to the many seemingly unacceptable political, economic, unhappy human elements that surround us? I believe that science will soon confirm what some have known over the millennia. Virtually all Holy Scripture from all the major religions are in accordance with the idea that the highest devotion to God man's greatest gift to the energy field of the world in which we are all encompassed is SERVICE TO MANKIND. Research into higher consciousness tells us that the energy of loving service is recorded in the universe on into infinity. Thus, this Thanksgiving Day approaches in the problematic year of 2009, one of the greatest stress-releasing gifts we can give to ourselves is to give the gift of service to others. And nothing fosters charitable feelings like charitable actions. Nothing fosters more the acceptance of other people than lending a helping hand. Nothing will bring forth the peace and wisdom that we need to create within ourselves more than providing service to the poor, the needy, the uneducated, the downtrodden, and the afflicted Tips Health For Family. Look for service projects in your area and take your family into the world to help others. And over time, nothing will help you to diminish the stress inside your own body more than helping to diminish the stress in those around us. What goes round comes round, and to whatever degree your load of avocados means abundant energy, creativity, intelligence, leadership, money, or time for everyone in the world, I know that you can figure out how to deliver more than two Miracle Message of Health.